The Story of My Life [detail] 2002 movie projector, 300 foot film made of band-aids 24" x 36" x 8"
The Story of My Life [detail] 2002 movie projector, 300 foot film made of band-aids 24" x 36" x 8"
The Story of My Life [detail] 2002 movie projector, 300 foot film made of band-aids 24" x 36" x 8"
Bigsnooz [detail] 2002 Wood, plastic, foam, auto-body filler, custom truck-bed coating, hinges, Igloo cooler parts 22” x 90” x 32”
Bigsnooz [detail] 2002 Wood, plastic, foam, auto-body filler, custom truck-bed coating, hinges, Igloo cooler parts 22” x 90” x 32”
Some Thoughts on Leaving performance 1995 Santa Barbara, California
Some Thoughts on Leaving performance 1995 Santa Barbara, California
Some Thoughts on Leaving [detail] performance 1995 Santa Barbara, California